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Spears found in Britain

4,533 bytes added, 16:32, 23 August 2018
/* Scotland, Highlands, Eigg Grave 2 */
Group 1 consists of Petersen types A, B, C, D1 and E. They are all types with a lancoid blade and gradual transition from socket to blade.<br>
===Petersen Type A/B===
{{Type|''Short socket with a flat, slightly raised backed, leaf shaped blade.''<br>
Petersen dates them from before the Viking Age to the start of the Viking Age.
|i1=Spear a.jpg
====England, Shropshire: Bromfield Churchyard====
:Find Type-
:Find Date-
:Total length-
:*{{ListWeb|Shrewsbury Museum|[[]]}}
|Seen= Yes
|Museum= Shrewsbury Museum
|Accession= SHCMS:A.08312
|i2=Shrewsbury Spear.JPG
===Petersen Type C===
{{Type|''Short socket with a leaf shaped blade, broader towards the socket.''<br>
Similar to the type D1 but with a wider blade and shorter socket. Petersen dates them to the second half of the C9th although this has now been extended to the mid C10th [Hjardar & Vike 2016: p.175]
|i1=Spear c.jpg
===Petersen Type D1===
{{Type|''Long socket with a long narrow leaf shaped blade.''<br>
Similar to the type C but with a narrower blade and longer socket. Petersen discuss types D1 and D2 together and dates them to the C10th and in Norway they are found with Swords or types: S, Q, Special 20 and 1 with a type H. Also with Axe types: I-K and shields of [[:File:R565.jpg|R565]].
|i1h=x60pxx70px|i1=Spear cPetersen 1919 fig.10 Type D.jpg
:*{{ListRef|Bjorn & Shetelig 1940|p.15}}
:*{{ListNote|The Archaeological Journal VIII p.424-425}}
|Museum= British Museum
:*{{ListRef|Roesdahl 1981|p.63 cat.D6}}
:*{{ListRef|WOV 2003|cat.1240}}
:*{{ListWeb||[ MAA Online Catalogue]}}
|Museum= Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
:*{{ListRef|Fuglesang 1980|p.139}}
:*{{ListRef|Bjorn & Shetelig 1940|p.84 fig.48}}
:*{{ListRef|Wheeler 1927|p.53}}
|i1=Spear e.jpg
====[[:Category:England, Norfolk: Thetford|England, Norfolk: Thetford]]====
:Find Type-
:Find Date-
:Total length-
:*{{ListRef|Graham-Campbell 2001|p.112}}
:*{{ListRef|Rogerson & Dallas 1984|cat.303}}
|i2=Spear England, Thetford - grave (Rogerson & Dallas 1984 cat.303).JPG
:*{{ListRef|Williams 2014|p.108, 268 fig 51}}
:*{{ListWeb|British Museum|[[ British Museum1]]}}
|Museum= British Museum
:*{{ListRef|Lethbridge & O'Reilly 1934|pp.90-92 pl.XII}}
:*{{ListRef|Bjorn & Shetelig 1940|p.64 fig.33}}
:*{{ListWeb||[ MAA Online Catalogue]}}
|Museum= Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
:*{{ListRef|Bjorn & Shetelig 1940|p.69, fig.41}}
:*{{ListRef|WOV 2003|cat.1242}}
|Museum= Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
|Accession= 1924.607
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
====[[:Category:England, Lancashire: Claughton Hall|England, Lancashire: Claughton Hall]]====
:Find Type- Grave Find
:Find Date-
:Total length-
:*{{ListRef|Jones 1849|p.74-75}}
:*{{ListRef|Bjorn & Shetelig 1940|p.18}}
:*{{ListRef|Edwards 1992|p.46}}
|Museum= Lost
|i2=Spear - England, Claughton Hall (Arch. Jnl. 1849).JPG
====England, Oxfordshire: Islip====
:Find Type- River Find
:Find Date-
:Total length-
:Comments- Rygh 523 AD c.1000 [Seaby 1950:p.42]
:*{{ListRef|Seaby 1950|p.29-31, 42}}
|i2=Islip spear (Seaby 1950).JPG
===Petersen Type D2===
|i1=Spear d2.jpg}}
====England, York====
:Find Type-
:Find Date-
:Total length-
:Comments- Bronze socket of spearhead from Farnham, C11th. This type of spearhead could be considered to be an eastern (Finish) type except for this find from York and another from the British Museum.
:*{{ListRef|Fuglesang 1980|p.39, pl.79a}}
:*{{ListRef|Lang 1981}}
:*{{ListRef|Kendrick 1949|pl.LXIX}}
|i3=Spear - England, York (Arch. Jnl. 1849).JPG
====England, Oxfordshire: Oxford at Magdalen Bridge====
:Find Type- River Find
:Find Date-
:Total length-
:Socket- Probably winged.
:Comments- Petersen after examining the drawing dates it to AD 850-900
:*{{ListRef|Seaby 1950|p.31-33, 38}}
|i2=Magdalen Bridge spear (Seaby 1950).JPG
====England, London:====
:*{{ListWeb||[[ British Museum (image)]]}}
|Museum= British Museum
|Accession= 1856,0701.1449
====England, York====
:Find Type-
:Find Date-
:Total length-
:Comments- Bronze socket of spearhead from Farnham, C11th. This type of spearhead could be considered to be an eastern (Finish) type except for this find from York and another from the British Museum.
:*{{ListRef|Fuglesang 1980|p.39, pl.79a}}
:*{{ListRef|Lang 1981}}
:*{{ListRef|Kendrick 1949|pl.LXIX}}
:*{{ListRef|Bersu & Wilson 1966|p.58.59 pl.XII.c}}
====[[:Category:England, Cumbria: Hesket-in-the-Forest|England, Cumbria: Hesket-in-the-Forest (F)]]====
:Find Type-
:Socket- It has 6 pairs of close set rings each with a pair of rivet holes.
:Comments- I consider this to be a transitional type between F and I like those from Bruhaugen in Norway [PETERSEN 1919: Fig. 16] and Sodermanland in Sweden. [BJORN & SHETELIG 1940:p.20] Edwards quotes Cowan Cowen who considers this spear as a hybrid between Petersen's type F and I.[EDWARDS 1992:P.46]
:*{{ListRef|Bjorn & Shetelig 1940|p.20 item c}}
:*{{ListRef|Edwards 1992|p.46}}
|i2=Spear b hesket.jpg
|i3=TH Hesket Spear F.JPG
|i1=Spear i.jpg}}
====[[:Category:England, Cumbria: Hesket-in-the-Forest|England, Cumbria: Hesket-in-the-Forest (I)]]====
:Find Type-
:*{{ListRef|Bjorn & Shetelig 1940|p.20 item b}}
:*{{ListRef|Edwards 1992|p.46}}
|i2=Spear a hesket.jpg
|i3=TH Hesket Spear I.JPG
|i1=Spear k.jpg}}
====Scotland, Outer Hebrides, South Uist: Vallay====
:Find Type-
:Find Date-
:Total length-
:Blade- Type K
:*{{ListRef|Curle, Olsen & Shetelig 1954|p.79}}
|i2=Spear Vallay, Uist (Curle, Olsen & Shetelig 1954).JPG
====Isle of Man, Ballateare (K)====
:*{{ListRef|Bersu & Wilson 1966|p.57.58}}
====Wales, Merionethshire, Festinlog====
:Find Type-
:Find Date-
:Total length-
|Museum= The Great North Museum
|Accession= NEWMA : 1824.8
|i2=Spear, Wales, Merionethshire, Festinlog NEWMA.1824.8.JPG
====England, Cumbria: Nan Bield Pass====
:Find Type-
:Find Date- 1969
:Total length-
:Comments- Unpublished
:*{{ListRef|Edwards 1998|p.27-28}}
:*{{ListNote|Carlisle Tullie House Museum}}
|Seen= yes
|Museum=Carlisle Tullie House Museum
|i2=TH Spear, Cumbria, Nan Bield Pass.JPG
:*{{ListRef|Waterman 1959|p.71-72fig.4}}
|i2=Spear,York (Waterman 1959 p.71 fig.4).jpg
====[[:Category:England, North Yorkshire: Camphill near Bedale|England, North Yorkshire: Bedale, Camphill]]====
:Find Type-
:*{{ListRef|Grieg 1940|p.50 fig.27}}
:*{{ListWeb||[[ Scran (Grave)]]}}
|Museum= National Museum of Scotland
|i2=Spear, Kiloran Bay (Grieg 1940 fig 27).jpg
====[[Viking burials found in Scotland#Scotland, Orkney, Sanday: Broch of Lamaness|Scotland, Orkney, Sanday: Lamba Ness]]====
Also known as Lamaness{{Cat|
:Find Type-
:Find Date-
:Total length- original length:24cm
:Blade- width:3.5cm
:Comments- Grieg was unsure regarding the type
:*{{ListRef|Grieg 1940|p.88}}
|Museum= National Museum of Scotland
|i2=Spear, Lamaness (Greig 1940 fig 49).jpg
:*{{ListNote|Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (2015)}}:*{{ListWeb||[[ MAA Online Catalogue]]}}
|Seen= Yes
|Museum= Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
:*{{ListRef|Stephenson 2007|p.106 fig.71}}
:*{{ListRef|Williams 2014|p.88 fig.21}}
:*{{ListWeb|British Museum|[[ British Museum1]]}}
|Museum= British Museum
==Unclassified Spearheads Spears still awaiting classification =====Unknown===
====Wales, Flintshire, Talacre====
====England, Nan Bield PassUnclassified spearheads===={{Cat|:Find Type- :Find Date- :Total length- :Blade- :Socket- :Comments- Unpublished:Bibliography- :*{{ListRef|Edwards 1998|p.27-28}}|Seen=|Museum=|Accession=|i1none=X|i2h=70px}} 
The following spearheads are referenced but have both no associated image and no type mentioned.<br>
*Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, England [BJORN & SHETELIG 1940: P.12]
*West Ham, near Basingstoke, Hants, England. Possibly Saxon [BJORN & SHETELIG 1940: P.15]
*Ballaugh, Isle of Man (Lost) [BJORN & SHETELIG 1940: P.22]
*Scotland, Eriskay. 3.5" long and broken at the socket. leaf shaped blade. [GRIEG 1940:p.73] Javelin?
* Ballachrink, Jurby, Isle of Man: base of socket has wings [BJORN & SHETELIG 1940: P.25]
===Unclassifiable Spearheads ===
The following spearhead remains are either too fragmentary or have been lost so that a type cannot be ascertained.
====[[:Category:England, Lancashire: Heysham|England, Lancashire: Heysham]]====
===[[:Category:England, Lancashire, Claughton Hall|England, Lancashire, Claughton Hall]]===near Gortstaug. (Lost) [BJORN & SHETELIG 1940: P.18] [EDWARDS 1992:P.46]===[[:Category:Scotland, Highland, Eigg|Scotland, Highlands, Eigg Grave 2]]===={{Cat|:Find Type- :Find Date- :Blade- :Haft- some wood remains inside the socket:Comments- Only the spearhead socket survives complete with some parts of the wooden shaft. [GRIEG 1940:p.68]:Bibliography- :*{{ListRef|Grieg 1940|p.68}}:*{{ListRef|Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998|p.84}}:*{{ListWeb||[[ Scran]]}}|Seen=|Museum= National Museum of Scotland|Accession= X.IL 168|External=yes|eWidth=130px|eLink=|eCaption=Scran|i1=|i2=}}
==Select Bibliography==