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Viking burials found in England

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Created page with "{{TOClimit|3}} <br> == Scotland == {| |- valign="top" id="Ardnamurchan" |[[File:Ardnamurchan.jpg|thumb|left|alt=Ardnamurchan]] |'''Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan''' :Viking boat..."


== Scotland ==

|- valign="top" id="Ardnamurchan"
|'''Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan'''
:Viking boat burial excavated in 2011
:Grave goods:
::HARRIS, COBB, GRAY & RICHARDSON. ATP Report Number 17: The Viking Boat Burial Data Structure Report. 2011

|- valign="top" id="Balnakeil"
|'''Balnakeil, Sutherland'''
:Viking child burial (aged 8 to 13) found in 1991
:Grave goods:
::''Sword, shield, spear, ringed pin, beads, strap end''
::LOW, BATEY & GOURLAY. A Viking Burial at Balnakeil, Sutherland

|- valign="top" id="Scar"
|'''Scar, Sanday, Orkney'''
:Viking boat burial including a man, woman and child found in 1985
:Grave goods:
::''sword, comb, playing pieces, arrows with quiver remains, whale bone plaque, equal armed brooches, shears, cooking spit''
::OWEN, Olwyn, and Magnar DALLAND. SCAR A Viking Boat Burial on Sanday, Orkney. Tuckwell Press, 1999.
::GRAHAM-CAMPBELL, James, and Colleen E. BATEY. Vikings in Scotland, an archaeological survey. Edinburgh University Press, 1998.

|- valign="top" id="Kneep"
|'''Kneep, Uig, Isle of Lewis'''
:Viking woman burial found in 1979
:Grave goods:
::WELANDER, R.D.E., Colleen BATEY, and T.G. COWIE. “A Viking burial from Kneep, Uig, Isle of Lewis.” SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND 117, 1987: 149-174.
::GRAHAM-CAMPBELL, James, and Colleen E. BATEY. Vikings in Scotland, an archaeological survey. Edinburgh University Press, 1998.

|- valign="top" id="Kildonan"
|'''Kildonan, Isle of Eigg'''

|- valign="top" id="Pierowall"
|'''Pierowall, Westray, Orkney'''

|- valign="top" id="Langhills"
|'''Langhills, Caithness'''

|- valign="top" id="Westness"
|'''Westness, Rousay, Orkney'''


== Isle of Mann ==


|- valign="top" id="Balladoole"
|'''Balladoole, Arbory'''
:Male grave with female body (possibly of a sacrificial slave) excavated in 1946
:Grave goods:
::''shield boss and hand grip, ''
::BERSU, Gerhard, and David M. WILSON. Three Viking Graves in the Isle of Man. The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph Servies: No 1, 1966.

|- valign="top" id="Cronk Moar"
|[[File:Cronk Moar.jpg|thumb|left|alt=Cronk Moar]]
|'''Cronk Moar, Jurby'''
:excavated in 1939
::BERSU, Gerhard, and David M. WILSON. Three Viking Graves in the Isle of Man. The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph Servies: No 1, 1966.

|- valign="top" id="Ballateare"
|'''Ballateare, Jurby'''
::BERSU, Gerhard, and David M. WILSON. Three Viking Graves in the Isle of Man. The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph Servies: No 1, 1966.
