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Headbands, Circlets, Ribbons and Fillets

10 bytes added, 20:35, 4 September 2015
{{Stars2|Category = Women's Clothing}}
|Literature =
*Binde or bænde: a band, wreath, headband or fillet (G. R. [OWEN 1976, : p.603)]*Bend: a band, bond, ribbon, chaplet, crown, ornament (G. R. [OWEN 1976, : p.604)]*Snood, nostle, wræd, bræle: possible headbands (G. R. [OWEN 1976, : p.605)]
*Indicia Monasterialia (c.1050AD) a manual of 127 signs used by monks. "pu mid fore weardum fingrumpin fore wearde heafod fram pam anum earan to pon oprum on bindan tacne": (stroke) with the tip of your finger on the front of your head from one ear to the other in the sign of a (head) band (CONDE-SILVESTRE 2001). Which was considered a typical feature of a secular (married) woman (G. R. OWEN 1976, p.603) (OWEN-CROCKER 2005, p.49)
*Will of Wynfæd (late C10th) 'hyre betspan bindan' and another 'bindan' occur, with gifts of clothing (G. R. OWEN 1976, p.603)