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1,210 bytes added, 16:24, 27 August 2012
(OWEN-CROCKER 2004)<br>
Morris (2000,p.2309) makes the point that wooden pins would not have had the strength of pins made from other materials but would have been quicker and easier to make. <br>
More than found in the archaeological record<br>
===Copper Alloy===
Many pins have been excavated with a bend in the shank. Halpin has put forth the theory that this may be a deliberate feature and may has assisted the pin in keeping two pieces of cloth together.<br>
===Round with a Swelling===
===Round with a Square Section===
The typology styles 1 to 6 are based on that by Nicola Rogers in (EVANS and LOVELUCK 2009, p.33). Styles 7 to 11 have been added by the author.<br>
===Head Style 1: Globular (Spherical) head===
Originate in the early Anglo-Saxon period (OTTAWAY 1992, p.693). A long lived type – impossible to separate roman from post roman on typology (MacGREGOR, MAINMAN and ROGERS, Bone, Antler, Ivory and Horn from Anglo-Scandinavian and Medieval York 1999, p.1950). The Fixbourgh examples date from 650-1000AD.<br>
===Head Style 2: Polyhedral head===
Originate in the middle Anglo-Saxon period (OTTAWAY 1992, p.693)<br>
===Head Style 3: Biconical===
* England [[S-S#Flixbourgh|Flixbourgh]]
**79 of copper alloy (EVANS and LOVELUCK 2009, p.33)
**20 of iron (EVANS and LOVELUCK 2009, p.76-77)
===Head Style 4: Spiral===
* England [[S-S#Flixbourgh|Flixbourgh]]
**14 of copper alloy (EVANS and LOVELUCK 2009, p.33)
===Head Style 4: Spiral===
* England [[S-S#York|York]]
**York, 2 finds of iron (OTTAWAY 1992, p.695: 3807,3810)
* England [[S-S#Flixbourgh|Flixbourgh]]
**67 of copper alloy (EVANS and LOVELUCK 2009, p.33)