Last modified on 24 March 2013, at 18:34

Viking burials found in Scotland

Revision as of 18:34, 24 March 2013 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (Broch of Gurness, Mainland, Orkney)

Viking burials found in Scotland

Completion Rating
This article's completion rating is 2 out of 5. Article structure and content is subject to change as data is still being collected.
Completion Rating
This article's completion rating is 2 out of 5. Article structure and content is subject to change as data is still being collected.
Sword Map
Viking Age burials found in Britain

This list of burials is currently a work in progress. More information will be added over time but it is hoped that even the meager information supplied here will be of some use.

The map is derived from Richards [RICHARDS 2004:p.191] Graham-Campbell [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL 1994:p.134, 153] and from a map displayed from a Jorvik exhibition in York 2012.

Viking burials found in England
Viking burials found in the Isle of Man

Index by County








List by Find Date

Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan, Argyll

Viking boat burial excavated in 2011
Grave goods:
Publications- [HARRIS 2011]

Balnakeil, Durness, Sutherland

Viking child burial (aged 8 to 13) found in 1991
Grave goods:
Sword, shield, spear, ringed pin, beads, strap end
Publications- [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998:p.140-142]
  • Low, Batey & Gourlay. (n.d.) A Viking Burial at Balnakeil, Sutherland.

Scar, Sanday, Orkney

Viking boat burial including a man, woman and child found in 1985
Grave goods-
sword, comb, playing pieces, arrows with quiver remains, whale bone plaque, equal armed brooches, shears, cooking spit
Publications- [OWEN and DALLAND 1999] [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998:p.138-140]

Kneep, Uig, Isle of Lewis

Viking woman burial found in 1979
Grave goods:
Publications- [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998]
  • Welander, R.D.E., Colleen Batey, and T.G. Cowie. (1987) “A Viking burial from Kneep, Uig, Isle of Lewis.” SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND 117,: 149-174. (Available Online)

Westness, Rousay, Orkney

excavated between 1968 and 1984
Grave goods-

Publications- [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998:p.135-138]

St. Ninian's Isle

excavated in 1958
Viking babies
Grave goods-
  • Hoard of Pictish silver bowls, cups and jewellery found in a box. Dated to just prior to 800AD.[OLIVER 2012:p.187]

Publications- [OLIVER 2012:p.187]

Broch of Gurness, Mainland, Orkney

excavated in 1932
Grave goods-

Publications- [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998:p.127-129]

Tote,Skeabost, Isle of Skye

Cairn containing a cremated? male. Excavated in 1922?
Grave goods:
Axe head and part of the wooden shaft; hone; copper alloy pin; ivory bead; possible shield fragments of iron and wood.
  • T. C. Lethbridge (1920) 'A Burial of the Viking Age in Skye '. Archaeological Journal 77 (pp. 135-136) (Available Online)

Carn a' Bharraich, Oronsay, Argyll

3 burials. 2 found in April 1891 and 1 in 1913
Grave goods:
Publications- [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998:p.113-118]
  • McNeill, Malcolm (1891) 'Notice of Excavations in a Burial Mound of the Viking Time, in Oronsay'. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 25 (pp 432-5) (Available Online)
  • Anderson, Joseph (1907) 'Notice of Bronze Brooches and Personal Ornaments from a Ship-burial of the Viking time in Oronsay, and other Bronze Ornaments from Colonsay. Presented to the National Musem by the Right Hon. Lord Strathcona and Mount-Royal, G.C.M.G. With Description, from Notes by the late William Galloway, of a ship-burial of the Viking time at Kiloran Bay, Colonsay' . Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 41 (pp 437-50) (Available Online)
  • Grieve, Symington (1924) 'Note upon Carn nan Bharraich, or Cairn of the Men of Barra, a Burial Mound of the Viking Time on the Island of Oronsay, Argyllshire, with an outline of the Political History of the Western Isles during the latter half of the Ninth Century'. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 48 (pp 272-91) (Available Online)
  • Curle, James (1924) 'On recent Scandinavian Grave-finds from the Island of Oronsay, and from Reay, Caithness, with Notes on the Development and Chronology of the Oval Brooch of the Viking Time'. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 48 (pp 292-315) (Available Online)

Reay, Caithness

excavated in 1912
Grave goods-

Publications- [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998:p.125-127]

Kiloran Bay, Colonsay

excavated in 1882
Grave goods-

Publications- [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998:p.118-122]

  • Anderson, J. (1907) 'Notice of Bronze Brooches and Personal Ornaments from a Ship-burial of the Viking time in Oronsay, and other Bronze Ornaments from Colonsay. Presented to the National Museum by the Right Hon. Lord Strathcona and Mount-Royal, G.C.M.G. With Description, from Notes by the late William Galloway, of a ship-burial of the Viking time at Kiloran Bay, Colonsay.' Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Vol.41 (pp 437-50).

Ballinaby, Islay

excavated in 1877
Grave goods-

Publications- [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998:p.122-125]

Pierowall, Westray, Orkney

finds from 1693, 1788, 1839, 1841, 1855, 1863
Grave goods-

Publications- [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL and BATEY 1998:p.129-135]

Kildonan, Isle of Eigg, Inverness-shire

Langhills, Caithness


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