
Category:England, Norfolk: Thetford

281 bytes added, 18:28, 12 November 2016
See also [[Viking burials found in England]]<br></noinclude>
:Status- {{Accepted}}
:Find date- 1953
:Bodies- 2 a number of burials, 2 with associated artefacts
:Dated to- ?
:Museum-Norwich Castle
:*{{ListRef|Rogerson & Dallas 1984|p.53, p.105-106|x}}:*{{ListRef|Graham-Campbell 2001|p.112|x}}
:'''First Grave'''
:* Sword 'late Anglo-saxon'. Possibly ritually killed. [GRAHAMGraham-CAMPBELL Campbell 2001:p.112]<gallery mode=Packed heights=120px 80px style="Padding-left:30px; text-align:left;">Norwich-Sword England, Thetford- grave (Rogerson & Dallas 1984 cat.jpg305).JPGNorwich-Sword Thetford Sword_14 hilt.jpgNorwich-Sword_14.jpg
:'''Second Grave'''
:* Spear, fragmentary. [GRAHAMGraham-CAMPBELL Campbell 2001:p.112]
:* Knife (now lost)
<gallery mode=Packed heights=120px style="Padding-left:30px; text-align:left;">Spear England, Thetford - grave (Rogerson & Dallas 1984 cat.303).JPG
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