
Sword Scabbards

28 bytes removed, 13:51, 24 July 2016
/* Sweden */
** Essen Minster (late C10-11th). Covered in stamped gold [CAMPBELL 1982:p.171].
** Birka <br>
35 swords have been found in graves in Birka. 30 have been a Petersen Typology and 13 have associated remains of a scabbard.
*** Bj.514 Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type H. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] [ARBMAN 1940A:p.153-154, fig.102, 103]*** Bj.520 Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type Y. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] [ARBMAN 1940:Taf. 3:2]*** Bj.324a Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type V. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] [ARBMAN 1940:Taf. 3:4]*** Bj.542 Traces of a wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type H. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] [ARBMAN 1940:Taf. 2:1]*** Bj.644 Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type H. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] *** Bj.736 Traces of a wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type H. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] [ARBMAN 1940:Taf. 2:3]*** Bj.750 Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type H. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] *** Bj.832 Traces of a wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type Y. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] [ARBMAN 1940:Taf. 3:1]*** Bj.834 Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type X. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] [ARBMAN 1940A:fig. 253]*** Bj.842 Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type H. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] *** Bj.942 Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type St ?.[ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] [ARBMAN 1940:Taf. 1:1]*** Bj.944 Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type H. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] [ARBMAN 1940A:fig. 321]*** Bj.957 Wooden scabbard for a sword of Petersen type H. [ARWIDSSON 1986:p.14] 
** Saint-Denis, France, c.869 [MONTEMBAULT 1998: p.60]