
Swords found in Britain

477 bytes added, 19:29, 1 November 2012
:Scabbard- None
:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.25-26]
|- valign="top" id="Repton"
|'''Derbyshire, Repton''
:Current Location- Derby Museum
:Type- Grave find c.873AD
:Find Date- 1986?
:Total Length- 89.7cm
:Blade- length 77.3cm, width 6.2cm.
:Hilt- Petersen type M. grip constructed of strips covered in tabby weave textile.
:Scabbard- made from two lengths of wood, lined with hairy skin. Outside covered in leather.
:Bibliography- [BIDDLE and KJBLBYE-BIDDLE (1992):p.49]
|- valign="top" id="Tilehurst"