
Swords found in Britain

23,417 bytes removed, 07:41, 22 September 2019
/* Comparison of finds */
{{Stars2Stars3|Category=Found in Britain|Typology=Swords|TypologyFile=sword_map.jpg|Limit=2}}{{Swords}}{{Sword Indexes}}== Introduction Comparison of finds==The following list of swords is not comprehensive and only represents those currently known to the author. They have been categorised using Wheelers typology. Low quality images have been included to assist with identification and it is not the authors intention to infringe any copyrights by doing so. {| class="wikitable"<br>|-The sword in this catalogue only include sword found in England, ! Type !! Scotland, Wales and surrounding isles. It does not include sword from !! Isle of Man !! Ireland. The swords listed here were not all made in Britain, many of them being made in Scandinavia or main land Europe. In the same way it is not a list of sword possibly made in !! Wales !! England as many examples of these have been found all over Europe.<br>|-| I / F [[File:Wheeler_SwordsSword type f.jpg|thumb60px]] |center|600x150px - |alt=Sword Typology|Wheeler's Viking Sword Typology]]- || 3 || - || -<br>|-| I / M [[File:sword_mapSword type m.jpg|thumb60px]] |right|200x300px - |alt=Sword Map|Viking Age swords found in Britain]]1 || 1 || - || 6|-<br>== Type | I ==''Petersen types M, / P, Q, Y & AE [[File:Sword type p. Rygh 489 & 493.'' <br>850AD? to 1025AD <br>In use from the prehistoric iron age in central Europe to as late as the C10th in Norway. <br> === Types M & Q === {jpg|60px]] || - || 1 || - || - || -|- valign="top" id="Kirkcudbrightshire"|width="100pt"| I / Q [[File:sword_kirkcudbrightshireSword type q.jpg|thumb60px]] |x150px|left 1 |alt=Kirkcudbrightshire]]|width="600pt"- | '''Scotland, Kirkcudbrightshire, St. Cuthbert’s Churchyard''':Current Location| - Kirkcudbrightshire Museum no. 2050:Type|| - Grave find – undated:Find Date|| - Unknown:Total Length|- 80cm (broken)| I / AE [[File:Blade- Double edgedSword type ae. Length 70cm (broken so probably longer), width 6cm.:Hiltjpg|60px]] || - Like R.489. Portions of wooden handle. :Scabbard|| - || - || - || - Parts of wood remain.:Bibliography|- | II / B [GRIEG 1940[File:pSword type b.13jpg|60px]|| 1 ||- valign="top" id="Rampside"|No Picture|'''Cumbria, Rampside Churchyard ''':Current Location - Municipal Museum, Barrow|| -in|| -Furness:Type|- Grave find (in a Christian Churchyard). 850-900AD.| II / C [[File:Find DateSword type c.jpg|60px]] || 2 || - before 1909:Total Length|| 8 || - ?|| 1:Blade|- ?| II / H [[File:Hilt- Petersen Sword type M, Wheeler type I:Scabbardh.jpg|60px]] || 10 ||- none|| 25 || - || 5:Bibliography|- | II / I [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940[File:pSword type i.18jpg|60px]|| 1 ||- valign="top" id="Appleby"|No Picture|'''Cumbria, Ormside, Appleby5 || -in-Westmoreland'''|| 1:Current Location|- Tullie House Museum| III / D [[File:Type- Grave findSword type d. 850jpg|60px]] || 1 || -900AD.:Find Date|| 5 || - before 1898:Total Length|| - 35.5” (Complete?):Blade|- Length 31” (79cm)| III / E [[File:Hilt- Petersen Sword type M, Wheeler type I:Scabbarde.jpg|60px]] || - || - || 4 || - || - none:Bibliography|- | III / R [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940[File:pSword type r.18jpg|60px]] || - valign="top" id="York1"|No Picture|'''Yorkshire, York, Clifford Street''':Current Location- Yorkshire Museum:Type|| 2 || - Unknown|| 1:Find Date|- Unknown:Total Length- N| III /AS [[File:BladeSword type s.jpg|60px]] || - Missing:Hilt|| 2 || - Petersen type M?. Only the undecorated guard of whale bone survives.|| - || 2:Scabbard|- none:Bibliography- | III / T [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.96] [ROESDAHL 1981File:pSword type t.114 YAB30jpg|60px] || - valign="top" id="Balladoyne"|No Picture|'''Isle of Man, Balladoyne Churchyard, St. Johns''':Current Location- Manx Museum:Type|| - Grave find (in a Christian Churchyard). Undated.:Find Date|| - Unknown:Total Length|| - 32” (possible about 4” missing):Blade|- no information| IV / K [[File:Hilt- Petersen Sword type M, Wheeler type I. No ornament. Part of the wooden grip remainsk.:Scabbardjpg|60px]] || - None|| - || 9 || - || 3:Bibliography|- | IV / O [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940[File:pSword type o.26jpg|60px] || 1 || 1 || 1 || - || 4|- valign="top" id="Repton"|V / L [[File:sword_reptonSword type l.jpg|thumb60px]] |x150px|left 3 |alt=Repton]]|'''Derbyshire, Repton'''2 || 10 || 2 || 32:Current Location|- Derby Museum| VI / Z [[File:Type- Grave find cSword type z.873AD:Find Datejpg|60px]] || - 1986?:Total Length|| - 89.7cm|| - || 1 || 12:Blade|- length 77.3cm, width 6.2cm. | VII / N [[File:Hilt- Petersen Sword type M. grip constructed of strips covered in tabby weave textilen.:Scabbardjpg|60px]] || - made from two lengths of wood, lined with hairy skin. Outside covered in leather.|| - || - || - || 1:Bibliography|- | VII / U, V[BIDDLE and KJBLBYE-BIDDLE (1992)[File:pSword type u.49jpg|60px]]|| 1 || 1 || - || - || 6|- valign="top" id="Waterloo" |width="100pt"| VII / W [[File:sword_waterlooSword type w.jpg|thumb60px]] |x150px|left 1 |alt=Waterloo]]|width="600pt"- | '''London, River Thames, Waterloo Bridge''':Current Location| - London Museum A 3670. Was previously in the Laking collection.:Type|| - River find, C9th:Find Date|| - Unknown:Total Length|- (part of blade missing)| VII / X [[File:Blade- no information:Hilt- Classed by Wheeler as Sword type I, by Bjorn as Type H? Both guards are striped with brass inlayxe. Bjorn considers the pommel to be missing? :Scabbardjpg|60px]] || 2 || 1 || 8 || - none|| 10:Bibliography|- | VIII [WHEELER 1927:p.36] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940File:pSword type viii.78jpg|60px] ] || - || - || - || - || 1|- valign="top" id="Near London"|IX / Y [[File:near_londonSword type y.jpg|thumb60px]] |x150px|left 1 |alt=Near London]]|'''London River Thames, ‘near London’''':Current Location- London Museum A 17923:Type|| - River find, Not before 900AD.|| - || 2:Find Date|- Unknown:Total Length| Unclassifiable || 11 || 1 || 9 || - (part of blade missing)|| 2:Blade|- no information:Hilt| Unknown || - Petersen type M, Wheeler type I. || 4 || Part of a wooden handle survives, covered in a course linen.:Scabbard- none|| - || 12:Bibliography|- [WHEELER 1927:p.36] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.78] | '''Total''' ||'''36'''|| '''14''' ||'''90'''|| '''3''' || '''101'''
*Scotland numbers after === Related Types P, Y & AE === ::{{ListRef| Żabiński 2007}}*Ireland numbers after |- valign="top" id="Strathspey"|width="100pt"| [[File:sword_elginshire.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Strathspey]]|width="600pt"| '''Scotland, Elginshire, Strathspey''':Current Location- National Museum of Scotland. L.Walsh A. 1:Type- Unknown. Found in an excavation of a railway cutting.:Find Date- Before 1864.:Total Length- 88cm (Complete1998):Blade- Double edged. Length 77cm (complete), width 5cm. Probably pattern welded.:Hilt- Petersen type P. Both cross-pieces are decorated with untwisted silver and copper wires.:Scabbard- None:Bibliography- [GRIEG 1940:p.159] |- valign="top" id="Kirk"|No Picture|'''Isle A summary classification of Man, St John’s Kirk GermanViking age swords in Ireland''':Current Location- Manx Museum:Type- Found in a field near a burialClarke H.:Find Date- Unknown:Total Length- (fragmentary):Blade- no information:Hilt- Probably Petersen type PB. Traces of silver ornament on pommel 'Ireland and guard.:Scabbard- None:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.25-26] |- valign="top" id="Tilehurst"|No Picture|Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age'''Berkshire, Tilehurst station''':Current Location- Reading Museum:Type- Unknown, found during road widening. C10th:Find Date- Sept. 1917.:Total Length- 23” (part of blade missing):Blade- Double edged – cap and upper guard are not separate.:Hilt- Petersen type Y:Scabbard- None:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.58]  |}from Żabiński 2007
== Type II Norwegian ==
''Petersen Types B, C & H. 750AD to 960AD''
|- valign="top" id="Bute"
|width="600pt"|'''Scotland, Bute'''
:Current Location- Bute Natural Museum
:Type- Unknown
:Find date- before 1911
:Total length- 17.3cm (blade and pommel missing)
:Blade- 3cm remaining attached to hilt and 6 other iron fragments. Width 5.5cm.
:Hilt- like Petersen fig.85 (Type H). pommel missing. Small remains of wood still attached to tang.
:Scabbard- remains of wood still attached to two of the blade fragments
:Bibliography- [GRIEG 1940:p.165]
|- valign="top" id="Islay"|width="100pt"|[[File{{:sword_islay.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Islay]]Swords of Type I found in Britain}}|width="600pt"|'''Scotland, Islay'''{{:Swords of Type II found in Britain}}{{:Current Location- LostSwords of Type III found in Britain}}{{:Swords of Type- UnknownIV found in Britain}}{{:Find date- before 1776Swords of Type V found in Britain}}{{:Total length- Swords of Type VI found in Britain}}{{:Blade- Swords of Type VII found in Britain}}{{:Hilt- like Rygh 494. Pommel cap missing. The upper Swords of Type VIII and lower cross-pieces were once plated with copper or bronze ribs.IX found in Britain}}{{:Scabbard- Swords of Types Disc found in Britain}}{{:Bibliography- [PENNANT 1776:pl. XLIV] [ANDERSON 1872:p.567 no.4] [GRIEG 1940:p.165] [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL 2004:p211-222 fig.4]Swords of Types Unknown found in Britain}}
|- valign="top" id="Enfield"Select Bibliography=={{Ref|width="100pt"Bersu & Wilson 1966}}{{Ref|[[File:sword_enfield.jpgBjorn & Shetelig 1940}}{{Ref|thumbDavidson 1962}}{{Ref|x150pxEdwards 1998}}{{Ref|leftGraham-Campbell & Batey 1998}}{{Ref|alt=Enfield]]Grieg 1940}}{{Ref|width="600pt"Oakeshott 1960}}{{Ref|'''Herts, River Lea, Enfield'''Oakeshott 1991}}:Current Location Prince Ladislaus Odescalchi Collection, Rome.{{Ref|Peirce 2002}}:Blade- {{Ref|Richards 2004}}:Hilt- Petersen type C{{Ref|Wilson 1964}}:Bibliography- [LAKING 1920:p.16] [WHEELER 1927:p.34, 53] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.12,60] [OAKESHOTT 1960:p135] [WILSON {{Ref|Wilson 1965:p52(no.7)] }}:Comments- from a possible boat burial{{Ref|Wilson 2008}}{{Ref|Wheeler 1927}}{{Ref|Żabiński 2007}}
|- valign="top" id="Vauxhall"|No Picture|'''London, River Thames, Vauxhall''':Current Location- ?:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type H :Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.37] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.81] :Comments- <HarvardReferences />
|- valign="top" id="Mortlake"|No Picture|'''London, River Thames, Mortlake''':Current Location- ?:Blade- single-edged:Hilt- none :Bibliography- [OAKESHOTT 1960:p135] :Comments- Oakeshott suggests that this blade may have belonged to a type II sword.|} <br>== Type III Danish ==''Petersen Types R, S & T. 800AD? to 900AD?'' {| |- valign="top" id="Cronk Moar"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_cronk.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Cronk Moar]]|width="600pt"|'''Isle of Man Cronk Moar''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type S:Bibliography- [BERSU and WILSON 1966:p.72]:Comments- found with remains of scabbard |- valign="top" id="London"|[[File:sword_london.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=London]]|'''London''':Current Location-:Blade- None:Hilt- Petersen type R. Only the pommel of the sword survives:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.78] [WHEELER 1927:p.53] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Temple"|[[File:sword_temple.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Temple]]|'''London, River Thames, Temple Church''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type S:Bibliography- [PEIRCE 2002:p.104] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.77,80] :Comments- also known as “Earl of Pembroke Sword” |- valign="top" id="Chertsey"|[[File:sword_chertsey.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Chertsey]]|'''London, Chertsey''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type S:Bibliography- [PEIRCE 2002:p.98][] :Comments-  |} <br>== Type IV Frankish ==''Petersen Types K & O. 790AD to 950AD '' {||- valign="top" id="Hesket"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_hesket.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Hesket]]|width="600pt"|'''Cumbria, Hesket-in-Forest''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type O:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.19] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Reading"|[[File:sword_reading.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Reading]]|'''Berkshire, River Kennet at Reading''':Current Location- ?:Blade- Point missing 25.5” long:Hilt- Petersen type O or K? Rivet hole hence cap missing.:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.58]:Comments- Remaining fragments of oak grip. Part of an oak? scabbard is also still attached to the blade. |- valign="top" id="Kew"|[[File:sword_kew.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Kew]]|'''London, River Thames, Kew''':Current Location- British Museum 1891, 0905 3:Blade- Total length 753mm, blade length 630mm. blade engraved with makers mark, INGELRll. On the reverse engraved with SITANBI or IBNATIS (?) :Hilt- Classed as a Petersen type O by Peirce and as Peteren type Q on the British Museum web site. Missing pommel:Bibliography- [PEIRCE 2002:p.90] []:Comments- Remains of wooden sheath on sword blade. |- valign="top" id="Fetter"|[[File:sword_fetter.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Fetter Lane]]|'''London, Fetter Lane''':Current Location- ?:Blade- None:Hilt- Gilt silver pommel with nielloed engraved pattern:Bibliography- [OAKESHOTT 1960:p.136][]:Comments- the BM website dates this pommel to the late C8th.  |} <br>== Type V English ==''Petersen Types L. 850AD to 975AD'' {||- valign="top" id="Ecclefechan"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_ecclefechan.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Ecclefechan]]|width="600pt"|'''Ecclefechan in Dumfriesshire''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927: p.35] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Hurbuck"|[[File:sword_hurbuck.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Hurbuck]]|'''Hurbuck, Durham''':Current Location- British Museum:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35][PEIRCE 2002:p.76] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Gilling"|[[File:sword_gilling.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Gilling]]|'''Yorkshire, Gilling West''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [THOMPSON 2004:p.109] [ROESDAHL 1981:p.44] [WATKIN 1986:p.93-99] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Wensley"|[[File:sword_wensley.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Wensley]]|'''Yorkshire, Wensley Churchyard''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [THOMPSON 2004:p.110] [DAVIDSON 1962:p54] [WILSON 1965: no.9] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Bedale"|[[File:sword_bedale.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Bedale]]|'''Yorkshire, Bedale''':Current Location- British Museum:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Ballaugh"|[[File:sword_ballaugh.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Ballaugh]]|'''Isle of Man, Ballaugh''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35][BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.22][WILSON 2008:p.54]:Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Maughold"|[[File:sword_maughold.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Maughold]]|'''Isle of Man, St. Maughold''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35][BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.23] :Comments- missing pommel |- valign="top" id="Nottingham"|[[File:sword_nottingham.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Nottingham]]|'''Nottingham''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35]:Comments- Wheeler identifies this sword as probably being this type but states that the sword is damaged. |- valign="top" id="Hauxton"|[[File:sword_hauxton.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Hauxton Mill]]|'''Cambridgeshire, Hauxton Mill''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35]:Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Wensum"|[[File:sword_wensum.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Wensum]]|'''Norfolk, River Wensum, Norwich''':Current Location- British Museum (54, 11-7, 12):Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35][MARGESEN 1997:p.10-11] [WILSON 1965: no.8]:Comments- Unknown find date. Presented to the BM in 1854. |- valign="top" id="Gooderstone"|[[File:sword_gooderstone.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Gooderstone]]|'''Norfolk, Gooderstone''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WILSON 1965: no.3]:Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Santon"|[[File:sword_santon.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Santon Downham]]|'''Norfolk, Santon Downham''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35][BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.12,13]:Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Kersey"|[[File:sword_kersey.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Kersey]]|'''Suffolk, Kersey''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WILSON 1965: no.5]:Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Abingdon"|[[File:sword_abingdon.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Abingdon]]|'''Oxford, Abingdon''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [THOMPSON 2004:p.112][WILSON 1965:p52(no.1)]:Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Wallingford"|[[File:sword_wallingford.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Wallingford Bridge]]|'''Oxford, Wallingford Bridge''':Current Location- Ashmolean Museum:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35][THOMPSON 2004:p.113]:Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Westminster"|[[File:sword_westminster.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Westminster]]|'''London, River Thames, Westminster''':Current Location- Ashmolean Museum:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35][LAKING 1920:fig.15c] [DAVIDSON 1962:p54] [WILSON 1965:p.52 (no.x)] :Comments-   |- valign="top" id="Windsor"|[[File:sword_windsor.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Windsor]]|'''London, River Thames, Windsor''':Current Location- British Museum:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35]:Comments-   |- valign="top" id="London"|[[File:sword_london.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=London]]|'''London, River Thames''':Current Location- British Museum:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.35]:Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Unprovenanced"|[[File:sword_unprovenanced.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Unprovenanced]]|'''Unprovenanced''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WILSON 1965: no.13] :Comments- |} <br>== Type VI Danish ==''Petersen Types L 'variant' 900AD? to 1050AD? '' {||- valign="top" id="Camphill"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_camphill.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Camphill]]|width="600pt"|'''Yorkshire, York, Camphill''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.15] :Comments- missing pommel |- valign="top" id="Witham"|[[File:sword_witham.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Witham]]|'''Lincs, River Witham, Lincoln''':Current Location- British Museum:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [PEIRCE 2002:p.77] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.71] [DAVIDSON 1962:p.56] [OAKESHOTT 1960:p.134] [] :Comments- missing pommel |- valign="top" id="Mileham"|[[File:sword_mileham.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Mileham]]|'''Norfolk, Mileham''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [WILSON 1965: no.7] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Staines"|[[File:sword_staines.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Staines]]|'''London, River Thames, Staines''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.37] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Shifford"|[[File:sword_shifford.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Shifford]]|'''London, River Thames, Shifford''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [THOMPSON 2004:p.114] [DAVIDSON 1962:p.56] :Comments-   |- valign="top" id="Brentford"|[[File:sword_brentford.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Brentford]]|'''London, River Thames, Brentford''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.37] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.78] [WILSON 1965:p52(no.3)] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Temple"|[[File:sword_temple.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Off The Temple]]|'''London, River Thames, off the Temple''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.78,80] [DAVIDSON 1962:p.56] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Kings"|[[File:sword_kings.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Kings Reach]]|'''London, River Thames, Kings Reach''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type L:Bibliography- [PEIRCE 2002:p.80] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Wandsworth"|[[File:sword_wandsworth.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Wandsworth Reach]]|'''London, River Thames, Vauxhall, Wandsworth Reach''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt-:Bibliography- [LAKING 1920:fig.15d] [WHEELER 1927:p.37] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.78] [WILSON 1965:p.52 (no.20)] :Comments- Wilson quotes Laking fig.15d as being from Vauxhall. The tip of the sword is from another find from Putney Reach. |} <br>== Type VII ==''Petersen Types U, V & X (early style) 850AD to 1000AD? '' === Petersen Type U, V ==={||- valign="top" id="Ballateare"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_ballateare.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Ballateare]]|width="600pt"|'''Isle of Man, Ballateare''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type V:Bibliography- [BERSU and WILSON 1966:p.52][] :Comments- found with remains of scabbard |- valign="top" id="Nene"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_nene.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Nene]]|width="600pt"|'''Cambs, River Nene''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [DAVIDSON 1962:p56] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Hertford"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_hertford.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Hertford]]|width="600pt"|'''Herts, River Lea, Hertford''':Current Location- Stolen from Hertford Museum:Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [ADAMS 1974:p.155-158] :Comments- |- valign="top" id="Edmonton"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_edmonton.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Edmonton]]|width="600pt"|'''Herts, River Lea, Edmonton''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type U:Bibliography- [PIERCE 2002:p.110] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.60] [WILSON 1965:p52(no.6)] :Comments-|} <br>=== Petersen Type X ==={||- valign="top" id="Workington"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_workington.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Workington]]|width="600pt"|'''Cumbria, Workington, Lake District''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type W or X:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.21-22] :Comments- |- valign="top" id="Knoc"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_knoc.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Knoc]]|width="600pt"|'''Isle of Man, Knoc-y-doonee''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type X:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.23]:Comments- |- valign="top" id="YorkX1"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_yorkX1.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=York]]|width="600pt"|'''York''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type X:Bibliography- [ROESDAHL 1981:p.65 D15] YM 551.45.48 [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.93] :Comments- |- valign="top" id="YorkX2"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_yorkX2.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=York]]|width="600pt"|'''York''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type X:Bibliography- [ROESDAHL 1981:p.65 D15] [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.93] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="NottinghamX"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_nottinghamX.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Nottingham]]|width="600pt"|'''Notts, Nottingham''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type X:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.15-16] Referred to in [ROESDAHL 1981:p.65 D15]:Comments- |- valign="top" id="Newark"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_newark.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Newark]]|width="600pt"|'''Notts, Fardon Church, Newark''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type X:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.71]:Comments- |} <br>== Type VIII ==''Brazil Nut 950AD to 1300AD? '' {||- valign="top" id="ouse "|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_ouse.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Ouse ]]|width="600pt"|Cambridgeshire, River Great Ouse''':Current Location- Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology:Find type- River find. 950-1000AD:Total length- :Blade- 77.5cm (30½"). Engraved on one side with ‘CONSTAININUS’ and on the other with ‘+INOMINEDOMINI’:Hilt- :Scabbard-:Bibliography- [OAKESHOTT 1991:p.35]   |} <br>== Type IX ==''1000AD to 1300AD? '' <br>No known swords from Britain  <br>== Unique Swords and those of other styles ==''Viking Age swords not covered by Wheeler'' {||- valign="top" id="Cawood"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_cawood.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Cawood ]]|width="600pt"|'''Cawood''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [] [] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Canwick"|[[File:near_canwich.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Canwick]]|'''Lincolnshire, Canwick Common, Lincoln''':Current Location- British Museum:Type- :Find Date- Unknown:Total Length- (Complete):Blade- Illegible script of silver inlay:Hilt- Guard of Petersen type Q but pommel different.:Scabbard- none:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.99]  |- valign="top" id="Reading"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_reading.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Reading ]]|width="600pt"|'''Reading''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Pommel missing. Hilt and guard decorated in gripping beasts.:Bibliography- [EAST nd:p.2] :Comments- Rediscovered after 150 years after being considered lost. Made between c.750AD but probably buried just after 800AD. |- valign="top" id="Raven"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_raven.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Ravens Willow ]]|width="600pt"|'''Cambridgeshire, Raven’s Willow nr. Peterbourgh''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Petersen type N:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.61,63-64] :Comments- Later half of C9th |- valign="top" id="Battersea "|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_battersea.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Battersea ]]|width="600pt"|'''London, Battersea ''':Current Location-:Blade- :Hilt- Tea Cosy pommel:Bibliography- DAVIDSON 1962:p.57] [WISON 1965:p32-33 no.1] :Comments-   |} == Swords that cannot be classified ==''Swords that are too decayed to identify'' {| |- valign="top" id="sandy"|[[File:near_sandy.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Sandy]]|'''Lincolnshire, Canwick Common, Lincoln''':Current Location- National Museum of Scotland.:Type- :Find Date- :Total Length- :Blade- Double edged.:Hilt- Part of guard is preserved. The pommel and upper guard are missing. May have been the same as Petersen fig.87 but not enough survives to possitivly classify the sword.:Scabbard- none:Bibliography- [GRIEG 1940:p.88]    |}  == Unknown Types ==''Swords so far unidentified'' {||- valign="top" id="Claughton"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_claughton.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Claughton]]|width="600pt"|'''Lancs, Claughton Hall''':Current Location- Now missing:Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.18] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Witherslack"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_witherslack.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Witherslack]]|width="600pt"|'''Lancs, Witherslack''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.74] :Comments-   |- valign="top" id="Nottingham"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_nottingham.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Nottingham]]|width="600pt"|'''Nottingham''':Current Location- :Blade- None:Hilt- Only a pommel:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.15] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Thames"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_thames.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Thames]]|width="600pt"|'''London, River Thames''':Current Location- Tullie House Museum, Carlisle:Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.81] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Vauxhall1"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_vauxhall1.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Vauxhall]]|width="600pt"|'''London, River Thames, Vauxhall''':Current Location- :Blade- :Hilt- 3 lobed pommel:Bibliography- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940:p.81] :Comments-  |- valign="top" id="Vauxhall2"|width="100pt"|[[File:sword_vauxhall2.jpg|thumb|x150px|left|alt=Vauxhall]]|width="600pt"|'''London, River Thames, Vauxhall''':Current Location- Unknown:Blade- :Hilt- :Bibliography- [WHEELER 1927:p.53] :Comments- Wheeler only mentions ‘Information from Mr G. F. Lawrence’   |}    ==See Also==[[Swords]]<br> ==References== <nocite>ADAMS1974BERSU1966BJORN1940DAVIDSON1962LAKING1920MARGESEN1997OAKESHOTT1960PEIRCE2002ROESDAHL1981THOMPSON2004WATKIN1986WILSON1965WILSON2008WHEELER1927</nocite><biblio force=false>#[[TemplateCategory:BibWeapons]]</biblio><HarvardReferences />