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Viking burials found in Scotland

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Created page with "{{Stars2}} [[File:burial_map.jpg|thumb|left|200x300px|alt=Sword Map|Viking Age burials found in Britain]] This list of burials is currently a work in progress. More informat..."

[[File:burial_map.jpg|thumb|left|200x300px|alt=Sword Map|Viking Age burials found in Britain]]

This list of burials is currently a work in progress. More information will be added over time but it is hoped that even the meager information supplied here will be of some use.<br>
The map is derived from Richards [RICHARDS 2004:p.191] Graham-Campbell [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL 1994:p.134, 153] and from a map displayed from a Jorvik exhibition in York 2012.

== England ==

====Adwick-le-Street, South Yorkshire====
:Find date- Excavated in 2001
:Bodies- Viking Woman.
:Dated to- ?AD
:Grave goods-
:Publications- [SPEED & WALTON ROGERS 2004]

====Heath Wood, Ingleby, Derbyshire====
:Find date- Excavated 3 times, 1855; 1941-1949; 1998-2000AD
:Bodies- Male warrior cremation burials; other cremation burials and mounds.
:Dated to- 873-878AD
:Grave goods-
::''Swords, buckles''
:Publications- [RICHARDS 2004: pp. 23-116]

:Find date- Excavated between 1974-1988AD
:Bodies- Male warrior burial; Female burial; another single male burial and 2 double burials.
:Dated to- 873-874AD
:Grave goods-
::''Thors hammer, sword and scabbard, buckles, iron knives (one a folding knife''
:Publications- [BIDDLE and KJBLBYE-BIDDLE 1992]

====Lancs, Rampside====
:Find date- 1909?
:Bodies- None, found in a churchyard
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Municipal Museum, Barrow-in-Furness)
::Sword Petersen type M
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.18]

====Hertfordshire, Enfield====
:Find date- 1900AD - possible Viking ship
:Bodies- a skeleton was said to have been found under a 40' overturned ship
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (British Museum)
::[[Viking Age Swords found in Britain#Enfield|Sword]]
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.12]

|- valign="top" id="Basingstoke"
|No Picture
|'''Hants, West Ham nr. Basingstoke'''
:Find date- 1899AD
:Bodies- a skeleton was found under the possible ship
:Dated to- Dated to Viking Age (C9th ?) by Bjorn and Shetelig but previously dated to the Anglo-Saxon period.
:Grave goods-
::Knife, Spear, lance heads
::bronze bowl, iron bowl with handle
::draughtsmen (stained green by contact with bronze)
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.11]

|- valign="top" id="Ormside"
|No Picture
|'''Cumbria, Ormside, Appleby-in-Westmoreland'''
:Find date- 1898
:Bodies- a skeleton
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Tullie House Museum)
::Sword Petersen type M, Shield Boss
::Frag. iron rod. small iron knife (now lost)
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.18]

|- valign="top" id="Magdalen"
|No Picture
|'''Oxford, River Cherwell at Magdalen Bridge'''
:Find date- 1884AD
:Bodies- Men and horse skeletons
:Dated to- C9th by Stirrup style
:Grave goods- (Ashmolean Museum 1886, 443-47)
::Spearhead, shield boss
::Horseshoe, spur
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.15]

|- valign="top" id="Bedale"
|'''Yorkshire, Bedale'''
:Find date- 1875AD
:Bodies- Male Warrior
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (British Museum)
::[[Viking Age Swords found in Britain#Enfield|Sword of Petersen type L]]
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.15]

|- valign="top" id="Santon"
|[[File:Sword_santon.jpg|thumb|100x150px|left|alt=Santon Downham]]
|'''Norfolk, Santon Downham'''
:Find date- 1867
:Bodies- based on the grave goods this might be a double interment, male and female.
:Dated to- C10th
:Grave goods- (British Museum)
::[[Viking Age Swords found in Britain#Santon|Sword]]
::Pair of tortoise brooches of type Rygh 652-654.
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.12] [ British Museum]

|- valign="top" id="Reading"
|'''Berkshire, Reading'''
:Find date- June 1831.
:Bodies- Male warrior burial with a horse skeleton
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods-
::[[Viking Age Swords found in Britain#Reading|Sword]] with ivory hilt.
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.11] [EAST 1986]

|- valign="top" id="Claugton"
|No Picture
|'''Lancs, Claughton Hall'''
:Find date- 1822
:Bodies- skeleton
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Claughton Hall)
::Pair of Oval Brooches (R. 652)
::Silver nielloed brooch (possibly Carolingian)
::2 Glass beads
:Grave goods- (Lost)
::Sword Petersen type X
::Axe, spear, hammer
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.18]
:Comments- The items were said to have been found in a wooden chest

|- valign="top" id="Hesket"
|'''Cumbria, Hesket-in-Forest'''
:Find date- 1882
:Bodies- Cremation covered in a cairn
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Tullie House Museum)
::Sword Petersen type O, Spear Head Petersen type I, Spear Head Petersen type F, Shield Boss (broken in two), Axe Head Petersen type E,
::Iron Bit plated in bronze, Two Buckles (one with a buckle plate), Sickle, Wet stone, Bone Comb and Bone Case, Pair of Spurs (now lost)
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.19]

|- valign="top" id="Nottingham"
:Find date- ?
:Bodies- Male warrior burial
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (British Museum Tr. 158)
::[[Viking Age Swords found in Britain#NottinghamX|Sword of Petersen type X]]
::[[Viking Age Swords found in Britain#Nottingham_Pommel|Sword pommel]]
::Spearhead of Petersen type C - D
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.15]

|- valign="top" id="Northallerton"
|No Picture
|'''Yorkshire, Northallerton'''
:Find date- ?
:Bodies- Female skeleton?
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (National Museum of Scotland)
::Single oval brooch R.652
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.15]

|- valign="top" id="Workington"
|No Picture
|'''Cumberland, Workington'''
:Find date- Possibly from a burial?
:Bodies- None
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods-
::Sword Petersen type W or X
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.21]

|- valign="top" id="Cambois"
|No Picture
|'''Northumberland, Bedlington, Cambois'''
:Find date-
:Bodies- None - found together in a barrow?
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods-
::Bronze Disk Brooch with enamel inlay, Bone comb.
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.22]


== Scotland ==
====Swordle Bay, Ardnamurchan====
:Viking boat burial excavated in 2011
:Grave goods:
:Publications- [HARRIS 2011]

====Balnakeil, Sutherland====
:Viking child burial (aged 8 to 13) found in 1991
:Grave goods:
::''Sword, shield, spear, ringed pin, beads, strap end''
:Publications- [LOW n.d.]

|- valign="top" id="Scar"
|'''Scar, Sanday, Orkney'''
:Viking boat burial including a man, woman and child found in 1985
:Grave goods-
::''sword, comb, playing pieces, arrows with quiver remains, whale bone plaque, equal armed brooches, shears, cooking spit''
:Publications- [OWEN 1999] [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL 1998]

|- valign="top" id="Kneep"
|'''Kneep, Uig, Isle of Lewis'''
:Viking woman burial found in 1979
:Grave goods:
:Publications- [WELANDER 1987] [GRAHAM-CAMPBELL 1998]

|- valign="top" id="Tote"
|'''Tote,Skeabost, in Skye'''
:Cairn containing a cremated? male. Excavated in 1922?
:Grave goods:
::''Axe head and part of the wooden shaft; hone; copper alloy pin; ivory bead; possible shield fragments of iron and wood.''
:Publications- T. C. Lethbridge (1920) 'A Burial of the Viking Age in Skye '. Archaeological Journal 77 (pp. 135-136) [ (Available Online)]

|- valign="top" id="Carn a' Bharraich"
|[[File:Bharraich.jpg|thumb|left|alt=Carn a' Bharraich]]
|'''Carn a' Bharraich, Oronsay'''
:3 burials. 2 found in April 1891 and 1 in 1913
:Grave goods:
*McNeill, Malcolm (1891) 'Notice of Excavations in a Burial Mound of the Viking Time, in Oronsay'. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 25 (pp 432-5) [ (Available Online)]
*Anderson, Joseph (1907) 'Notice of Bronze Brooches and Personal Ornaments from a Ship-burial of the Viking time in Oronsay, and other Bronze Ornaments from Colonsay. Presented to the National Musem by the Right Hon. Lord Strathcona and Mount-Royal, G.C.M.G. With Description, from Notes by the late William Galloway, of a ship-burial of the Viking time at Kiloran Bay, Colonsay' . Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 41 (pp 437-50) [ (Available Online)]
*Grieve, Symington (1924) 'Note upon Carn nan Bharraich, or Cairn of the Men of Barra, a Burial Mound of the Viking Time on the Island of Oronsay, Argyllshire, with an outline of the Political History of the Western Isles during the latter half of the Ninth Century'. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 48 (pp 272-91) [ (Available Online)]
*Curle, James (1924) 'On recent Scandinavian Grave-finds from the Island of Oronsay, and from Reay, Caithness, with Notes on the Development and Chronology of the Oval Brooch of the Viking Time'. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 48 (pp 292-315) [ (Available Online)]

|- valign="top" id="Kildonan"
|'''Kildonan, Isle of Eigg'''

|- valign="top" id="Pierowall"
|'''Pierowall, Westray, Orkney'''

|- valign="top" id="Langhills"
|'''Langhills, Caithness'''

|- valign="top" id="Westness"
|'''Westness, Rousay, Orkney'''


== Isle of Man ==


|- valign="top" id="Balladoole"
|'''Balladoole, Arbory'''
:Find date- 1946
:Bodies- Male grave with female body (possibly of a sacrificial slave)
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods-
::''shield boss and hand grip, ''
:Publications- [BERSU 1966]

|- valign="top" id="Ballateare"
|'''Ballateare, Jurby'''
:Find date- 1946
:Aprox location- SC 344 970
:Bodies- 2 small fragments of a human skull.
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Manx Museum)
:Publications- [BERSU 1966]

|- valign="top" id="Cronk Moar"
|[[File:Cronk Moar.jpg|thumb|left|alt=Cronk Moar]]
|'''Cronk Moar, Jurby'''
:excavated in 1939
:Aprox location- 1.5km north of Ballateare
:Publications- [BERSU 1966]

|- valign="top" id="Knoc-y-doonee"
|No Picture
|'''Isle of Man, Knoc-y-doonee'''
:Find date- 1927? Boat Burial
:Bodies- 2 small fragments of a human skull, horse skeleton
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Manx Museum)
::Sword Petersen type X, Spear Head (fragment), Axe Head of Petersen type G, Shield Boss of R.562 (fragment)
::Iron bowl, hammer, smith tongs, two knives with bone handles, harness links of iron with remains of leather straps
::Bronze ring headed pin (possibly with enamel inlay), lead weight for a fishing line
::Four pairs of strap protector, three plain strap ends, 2 plain studs set in leather
::Iron buckle, various small bronze fragments possibly from a bridle,
::300 iron rivets from the boat
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.23] []

|- valign="top" id="Kirk Michael"
|No Picture
|'''Isle of Man, Kirk Michael '''
:Find date- 1885
:Bodies- found in a church yard whilst digging a grave
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Manx Museum)
::Spear head of Petersen type K
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.22]

|- valign="top" id="Ballachrink"
|No Picture
|'''Ballachrink, Jurby'''
:Find date- 1880
:Aprox location- SC 440 990
:Bodies- none. Found in a flagged cist in a barrow
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Manx Museum)
::Upper part of a Sword with a curved guard, base of a spear head with wings (lugs)
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.25]

|- valign="top" id="Malew"
|No Picture
|'''Malew Parish'''
:Find date- c.1854
:Bodies- found in a possible grave in Malew churchyard
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (unknown)
::Two swords
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.25]

|- valign="top" id="Ballaelby"
|'''Ballaelby, Kirk Patrick'''
:Find date- c.1850
:Bodies- a possible skeleton (left in situ by the discovering farmer)
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (left in situ)
::Bearded axe
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.25]

|- valign="top" id="St. Maughold"
|No Picture
|'''Isle of Man, St. Maughold'''
:Find date- 1824
:Bodies- found in a church yard whilst digging a grave
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (National Museum of Scotland)
::Sword Petersen type L
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.23]

|- valign="top" id="Ballaugh"
|No Picture
|'''Ballaugh, '''
:Find date- 1824
:Aprox location- SC 340 930
:Bodies- burial in a low barrow
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods-
::Sword Petersen type L, Spear Head (lost)
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.22]

|- valign="top" id="Jurby"
|No Picture
|'''Jurby, '''
:Find date- ?
:Aprox location- SC 350 985
:Bodies- found in a church yard (St. Patrick?) and re-interred by the Vicar.
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods-
::Sword (Wheeler type III?)
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.22]

|- valign="top" id="Old Kirk Braddan"
|No Picture
|'''Isle of Man, Old Kirk Braddan'''
:Find date- ?
:Aprox location- SC 363 768
:Bodies- found in a church yard whilst digging a grave
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Manx Museum)
::Sword with missing hilt
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.23]

|- valign="top" id="st john"
|No Picture
|'''St Johns, St John’s Kirk German'''
:Find date- Pre 1860AD
:Aprox location- SC 277 819
:Bodies- found in an open cist
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Lost)
::Axe, stirrup, a handful of beads
::A sword was also found in the same field of Petersen type P
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.26]

|- valign="top" id="Balladoyne"
|No Picture
|'''St. Johns, Balladoyne Churchyard'''
:Find date- ?
:Aprox location-
:Bodies- found in a christian cemetery
:Dated to- ?
:Grave goods- (Manx Museum)
::Sword of Petersen type M, Spear head of Petersen type K with linen fragment in the socket, Shield boss
:Publications- [BJORN and SHETELIG 1940: p.26]


== References ==
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[[Category:Found in Britain]][[Category:Burials]]